Why I'm dubious of summer...


When British summers are good, they're really good..
I have always had a slightly tenuous relationship with Summer. Throughout my school years, "Summer" was known as the golden time of long holidays and tanned limbs. It was the season everyone lived for, counting down rainy days and planning Summer's beach trips, picnics and camp-outs: ultimate freedom and bounds of time.

And whilst, don't get me wrong, I enjoy feeling the sun's first breakthrough warm my arms as much as the next person, Autumn wins hands down. Admittedly, from BBQs and Pimm's, to Wimbledon and summer fruit, there is something about sumer that just makes people smile a bit brighter. However, as the overcautious, disappointment-fearing, studyaholic I am, I'm weary of the expectations and promises we place upon the holy grail: sun-shining "Summer". For starters, Summer in Britain is always somewhat disappointing and it is always inevitable that someone will be moaning about the weather: "it's too hot!", "hosepipe ban...", "it's not good for the garden..", "where's the sun?!", "should have gone abroad". I feel like Summer is one of those things that disappoints too easily...largely because people expect too much and spend the other 9 (11.75) months of the year waiting, anticipating and dreaming of the "Perfect Summer", whatever that may be.

Bath knows!
For me, Autumn has my heart (and my wardrobe)! I'm a fan of reading books snuggled up with a cup of tea in front of the open fire, hold a love of crunchy leaves and welly boots, and array of tights just refuse to attempt a relationship with my flip-flops. There may also be a somewhat "selfish" element to this - above self-preservation - I am not designed to be a beach babe. My hair has issues with heat - hello curly poodle minus the cuteness. The anaemic look is at least somewhat more easily explained when it's -5. And with that, you get a few funny looks when you're still snuggled in a blanket scarf/long cardigan in July. Add hay fever and circulation issues to the mix and you've got a snotty, red eyed, oddly coloured fingers and toes  - this girl works the British flag on her hands - Yasmin, it's less than ideal. (As was having to wear gloves throughout my school days, because the scheduled  British "Summer" rarely complied, so I'd be "chilling" in my gloves throughout July - because that's not weird...) Simply, despite my love for swimming in the sea, I'm better suited to the Autumn months!

Beach-loving whatever the weather!
However, my final "gripe" with Summer is not down to empty-expectations, fall-short temperatures, hair disasters or my reading destination of choice, my main issue hangs in the wardrobe. Brace yourself, and please don't hate me, but: I'm just not really a fan of Summer clothing.

I mean, could you get less Summery?! 

Okay, okay, breathe! But what about the shorts and crop tops I hear you scream. Well, my little skin-showing-beauties, I say: "good for you!! If you've got it (the confidence that is, because I disagree with this whole "beach body" malarky, WORK IT!". I, on the other hand, much to my own annoyance, have issues with these items of clothes...

1. Shorts. Now, it's not exactly shorts themselves that I have a slight disagreement with, more myself in said shorts. As a child I was the one who was always dressed in clothing multiple sizes smaller than their age because I had no waist. I'm telling you now, the day Next started doing elasticated waists on their clothing was the day my Mum and Grandma began to see a hope for my future! My knobbly knees and stringy legs hung out the bottom of my shorts...and nine-year-old-Yasmin did not help the issue when she graced Florida with the combo of said shorts, ankle socks and pumps. So, yes, I guess my grudge with shorts is largely founded on past experience. Whilst I'm definitely more of a skirt girl, and yes yes, I'm jumping ahead, I will admit, I AM a fan of shorts with thick tights in the Winter...but, notice the "thick tights". For me, tights and shorts are joined at the hip, and with tights not being entirely "summer-suitable" (don't even get me started on how many times my parents announce that I'm "dressed for winter", if the tights aren't welcome, neither are the shorts!

Oh hello blanket scarf, fancy seeing you here?!
2. Crop tops. When you spend your days in peter pan collars and floral blouses, the thought of both a low cut and a stomach skimming top is frankly unchartered territory. At a push, I'm prepared to roll up the sleeves and lose the high-neck, but it's a tragic breakup and one I know I'll be crawling back to, head hung in shame, in a matter of days. Again, personal preference...and there are some really lovely crop top/midi skirt combos out there, so if you can do it, DO IT. Life is too short to care what people think and that's why I'm so desperate to convey the fact that this is not me saying these things NEVER work!! Not at all! They just don't work on moi (and I wish they would)!

My crop top has been joined by an oversized one and yep, that is a high-neck you see!
3. Summer pjs. Yes, yes, you read right, my third complaint is an attack on pyjamas. I just don't particularly like having my arms and legs uncovered when sleeping! And add moisturiser to the mix and I might as well not even try to get any sleep: the slight feeling of resembling a slug, exposed to the elements, puts me on edge, to say the least.

4. Summer jumpers. Okay, so it's "unacceptable Summer etiquette" to don the floor length, fluffy cardi come August. Instead, one is led into a cruel false sense of security, whereby shops, magazines and catwalks make you THINK you can still wear a snuggly jumper, just in a more "summery colour" (think baby blue, lilac, yellow, orange, white...). But then, God forbid, you have the heartbreaking realisation that your beloved jumper family have betrayed you: a Summer jumper is basically a knitted t-shirt. I mean, some of them don't even have sleeves?! I know, I know, it really is tragic...and actually, I think it taints the jumper reputation somewhat. The Summer jumper is a lie; it does not hold the potential to keep you warm that its labelling implies. All I can say is, thank God Mini Boden had mine (and Mum's) backs, with their teddy bear fleeces in appropriately summery prints...and why, oh why do fleeces go out of style as we grow up?!

Ahh, tights, how I've missed you!
5. Anything and Everything Fluorescent. Yasmin is not a girl capable of rocking the floro. So, admittedly, this one has never really caused me too many issues, but I do remember going to a UV party in Fresher's Week and being instructed that floro was the non-negotiable dress code. Panic. This past-ey, pastel loving girl pictures herself in Paris rather than Ibiza... At what point does Autumn (or Winter, or Spring for that matter), demand such uncompromising dress codes?! Even my A Level History class' notorious "Dress-Up Fridays" were careful not to impose such rigidity...slippers come in all sizes, and have you ever had a banana, a penguin, and a wolf at the same "party"?! Well, I'm telling you now, there was no such variety at the floro party and frankly, they missed out.

Summer, don't take it personally. Clothes, don't take it to heart. It's just that, my wardrobe and my clothes have a tight bond...one I'm not willing to challenge right now. Nothing gets between this girl, her wardrobe, her winter skirts and endless jumper collection, her polo-necks and pinafores...except maybe the bank balance and lack of hanger space! It's me, not you!

*Although, I am now feeling like I've maybe been a tad critical of Summer; despite writing this post in my blanket scarf and fluffy socks, I'm reluctant to totally write of the clothing of sunny days. I mean, I do love my sandals and espadrilles, and throwing on a light blazer as opposed to a rain coat is a welcome change... Hmm, with the sun shining as it is this week, and me jetting off on holiday next week, maybe this post should be accompanied by a "Why Summer has it's moments" post - watch this space! After all, balance is key!

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