First words
05:10Hello and welcome to my blog, however you stumbled across it!
I'm Yasmin, a third year English Literature student at the University of Exeter. I spend my time in two of England's most beautiful and charismatic cities (although I guess I'm just a tad bias): Bath and Exeter. Having grown up with the absolute privilege of stepping outside my front door into the woods, I'm a strong believer in the beauty of nature and Autumn is my favourite season (Joules wellies galore!). Despite my undeniably rural upbringing, I have a love of London, and, despite being slightly "country mouse in the big city", spend as much time there as my bank account will allow!
I'm a major green tea lover and would much prefer afternoons whittled away in coffee shops to nights out in clubs - definitely old before my time! Being an English undergrad means my wishes are more than fulfilled, as I am often found in Exeter's wonderful array of cafes, buried in a book, with a pot of tea. I also love flicking through Vogue, Look and Glamour and shopping is up there with my favourite things to do - although, I am possibly the most indecisive person ever, so purchases are often weeks in the making. My favourite shops have to be Zara and ASOS, but I'm also a fan of Urban Outfitters, Brandy Melville, Topshop, Boden and H&M. Bunting has my heart - in true Alice in Wonderland style, tea parties and everything associated with tea parties sums me up pretty well.
As for this blog, I'm not entirely sure what I'll post about. I don't want to limit either the blog or myself to focusing on solely one theme and, it's taken me long enough to actually decide to do this, we simply do not have time for me to make a concrete decision re topic. So, I'm going to be blogging about books, fashion and everyday life - current affairs, from education and mental health to life questions and rambles of someone trying to survive in the present day whirlwind, whilst planning a happy and fulfilling future!
So, that's me, welcome to my world, feel free to wander (and wonder), we have tea, plenty of books, and are on the hunt for pretty dresses, twirly skirts and beautiful blouses.
Wishing you a wonderful day, full of smiles, flowers and happiness. xx